Jessica Drake (in the nude) hosts this well-performed set of six fairy tales, with a very attractive cast. It’s light fluff but along with a well-mounted sequel amounts to worthwhile porn from the turn of this century.
Drake fans might be disappointed that she’s in a non-sex role, but she often fronts for “educational” videos (for Wicked Pictures) and does voices for animated characters plus narration in a varied career.
Segments naturally vary in quality but each has a nice progression and O Henry twist of sorts (thanks to talented co-scripter Raven Touchstone), keeping the 2-hour program eminently watchable.
One’s favorite segments will depend on the girls, as Nikita Denise, Ava Vincent and Holly Hollywood were the most powerful sexual performers for me. Plot lines are quite varied: Evan Stone as King Arthur, part of fantasized sex for VIolet Blue as she reads about him: Allison Chaynes as Randy Spears’ sexy guardian angel in a segment similar to many mainstream movies like “Heaven Can Wait”; a witch in a horror movie on TV coming to life; Aurora Snow in a strange sex-change fantasy titled “A Set of Balls” ; a cheap bottle used instead of a magic lamp for a “3 Wishes” fantasy; and NIkita Denise looking terrific in an anal exercise titled “What an Old Battle Axe”.